Spirit Filled

Jesus promised “‘…the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life,’” (John 4:14, NASB). Speaking to the woman at the well, Jesus tells of a time when eternal life will well up inside of those who believe in His name. Pentecost is the day when the spring of God’s grace begins to flood the souls of those who call on the name of Jesus. The Spirit of God is unleashed in new believers, taking up residence in their lives, and transforming the core of their beings.

Springs of living water welling up to eternal life provide a great picture of how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. They are pictures of being filled to overflowing, of being refreshed and renewed, of being an oasis of life and hope in a dry and dying world. The Holy Spirit continues to move with power today as He works in the lives of men and women to declare the wonders of God.


Joni Price