Submission to God

We may not always understand God’s instructions, but submission demands that we obey our master anyway. The word “submission” is the key to today’s section from Acts. And the two men to submit are Cornelius and Peter. As you know, we are living in a culture of pride and rebellion. That rebellion can be clearly seen in children, teenagers and young adults, but they certainly aren’t the only ones who find it hard to submit. Interestingly enough, in our Scripture section today, Luke is going to address submission by these two Godly men.

Becoming a people that submits is primarily about choosing our identity. Are we going to be the people of our own choices of the church of Christ? Will our action be shaped by our own desires and wisdom, or will our movement be defined by the will of God? Submission changes the substance of who we are. It allows Christ to more fully take shape in our lives and empowers us to shine more completely for Him as we deny ourselves and take on a Savior-shaped identity.


Joni Price