Senior Sunday

Making it through twelve years of high school or 16 years including college, involves facing some very real challenges. And, as we can all testify, making it through life will include continuous encounters with challenges that we must meet. But the wonderful thing about confronting these numerous challenges is that we can face them with some victories already under our belt. Notice some guidelines from God’s Word that will provide guidance for us.

We all want to make it in this world. And in the next. We all want to be successful. This is not a simple “you can make $100,000 a year from your home working 2 hours a week plan.” This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Life is tough. Life is hard. There is no way around it. God is greater than our fears. God will help us overcome our failures. God will guide us along the course of life as long as Jesus is our focal point.


Joni Price