Jesus: A Name Above All Others

A name is a powerful thing. On one level, a name is simply a noun, an identifier, or the object or subject of action. Yet we know that names are more important than that. Fundamentally, names reveal identity. They help us define who we are, how to interact with others, and mark our place in the world. The name of Jesus is the defining characteristic of a church that shines. It is in His name that we find our identity. It is by His name that we are saved. It is through His name that we find hope and healing for our souls.

It is in the name of Jesus that we find healing and hope. Through His power, we find the strength we need. On our own, we are weak, crippled by sin, and drowning in despair. He came as a servant to offer us grace. His blood cleanses us of our most desperate ailment. His holiness clothes us in His own righteousness. Through His name, the stories of our lives are rewritten. The pages are clean and new, awaiting His touch and direction. The finale of our stories now has a happy ending. As the anointed one of God, Christ brings refreshment and renewal to our lives. His words become the fuel that empower our walk by His side.


Joni Price