Go Into All The World

When we first come to God through the saving blood of His Son, He becomes our “Igo.” We will follow Him where ever He leads. But somewhere along the way, we all go through the spiritual teenage years. Our relationship with God becomes more casual, and we don’t have much interest in going where He tells us to go. For some, we never get out of those years. We end up exchanging our passion for the Father for the comfort of a padded pew.

When Jesus left this earth, His last words were crucial. No one would use their last words to tell those they loved something trivial and unimportant, especially the Son of God. Where did He tell us to go? What did He call us to do? 

Mark writes: “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed,” (NASB, Mark 16:20). They did exactly what Jesus called them to do. Are we doing what Jesus called us to do? Jesus did not tell us to take a “Field of Dreams” approach to evangelism (“If you build it, they will come.”). He told us to go! He told us to go to the lost sheep and bring them back into the fold.

Joni Price